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Succession of Generations, Condition for Progress

In his work Respecting the Forerunners of the Revolution Is a Noble Moral Obligation of Revolutionaries Chairman Kim Jong Il clarified profound significance of human history held by the problem of succession of generations who assume a mission to thoroughly accomplish historic tasks arising consistently in various stages of the struggle for socialism, on the basis of the man-centred Juche idea.

The work explained on a new high phase the issues of social and moral principles in respecting the forerunners who did their works with sincerity and handed down rich experiences to younger generations.

Sincerity, fidelity and honesty are characteristics peculiar to genuine communists. Respect, trust and comradely love between communists are steadfast standards of behaviour. Herein lies the basis of indisputable moral excellence of the people who realize the socialist idea, socialist movement, socialist construction and others. Victory of noble morality serves as a condition that social progress can be achieved in the present century.

The profound moral significance of succession of generation of revolutionaries, socialist builders and defenders gives confidence that the road to socialist development of mankind wins a sure victory.

(This was published in 1996 by Vladimir Markov, member of the Central Committee of the Russian Party of “Communists’ League” on Russian newspaper Patriot No. 4.)