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Another Proud Success Achieved in Chemical Industry

After establishing a new process, the December 5 Youth Mine sent the first produced mirabilite crystal to the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex on July 22, 2023.

The mine newly established a production process of mirabilite crystal that would contribute to the further strengthening of the Juche character of chemical industry, one of the twin pillars of the independent economy, and started production on trial.

Officials and workers in the mine proved the quality of mirabilite crystal, a key material in producing sodium carbonate through the on-trial production in the period of more than one month, and provided solid guarantee capable of producing it in a continuous and stable way.

Thanks to the establishment of the modern process of producing mirabilite crystal in the December 5 Youth Mine, a firm vista was opened to properly run the sodium carbonate production process which was newly established in the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, and the problem of plaster to be used widely in cement industry was solved.