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We, Malian Young People, Are Ready to Accept Policy Elucidated by President Kim Il Sung

To meet H.E. President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the DPRK people was my ardent wish which I had kept deep in my mind. I had an honour of receiving precious teachings from H.E. President Kim Il Sung whom I had desired to meet when I participated in the 7th Congress of the League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea. This was the most impressive and happiest moment in my life.

The 7th Congress of the League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea was a historical one in which the DPRK young people, who were firmly armed with the Juche idea, reviewed the proud successes achieved in all fields to live up to the expectations of H.E. President Kim Il Sung and the Party and brought about an epochal turn in strengthening and developing the youth work onto a new high phase.

H.E. President Kim Il Sung made a historical speech that illuminated the road ahead of the DPRK young people and the world revolutionary ones. H.E. President Kim Il Sung elucidated a policy of strengthening solidarity and consolidating unity among the world young people for the victory in the cause of anti-imperialist independence. This policy was very important and correct one in view of the then international situation.

As a matter of fact, imperialism is a main target of our struggle. Struggling against imperialism is a primary task in building a new society.

If imperialism is a dragon with many heads, the world progressive youth and people should chop off the heads one by one with united efforts. This is the main idea of H.E. President Kim Il Sung’s speech.

We, the Malian young people are ready to accept the policy elucidated by H.E. President Kim Il Sung and wish to struggle together with the DPRK ones in implementing the policy.

The speech of H.E. President Kim Il Sung is a guiding principle that the world progressive young people should definitely hold fast to.

(This article was written in 1981 by Amadu Dauda Dialo, member of National Council of People’s Democratic Union of Mali and general secretary of National Youth League of Mali.)