- 1 Colorful Events Held on the Occasion of the 71st Anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War
- 15 Soul of Victorious Wartime Generation Carried forward Invariably
- 17 Children Having So Much Fun
- 28 78th Founding Anniversary of Korean Children’s Union Celebrated with Splendour
- 16 Inauguration Ceremony of Jonwi Street Held with Splendor
- 17 Inauguration Ceremony of the 2nd Stage 10 000 Flats in the Hwasong Area Taken Place with Splendor
- 16 Working People Have Various Sports Games on May Day
- 10 Kangdong General Greenhouse, Large-scale Greenhouse Vegetable Production Base
- 24 Happy 114th Anniversary of International Women’s Day!
- 15 DPRK Women Adding Brilliance to the Times
People’s Art Festival Held in Celebration of
Chairman Kim Jong Il ’s 82nd Birth Anniversary -
’s 82nd Birth Anniversary Celebrated with EnthusiasmKim Jong Il