Internet Commemorative Meeting Held in Uganda

An internet commemorative meeting was held in Kampala, Uganda under the co-sponsorship of the Ugandan National Executive Committee of the Pan-African Movement and the Ugandan National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Uganda.

Participated in the meeting were figures of political, social and press circles.

Participants in the meeting highly praised that H.E. Kim Il Sung, the eternal President of the DPRK met H.E. president Museveni who visited Pyongyang three times and devoted his heart and soul to the further development of bilateral relations.

Saying that they will always be with the DPRK people in the struggle to put an end to the imperialist intervention and domination and build an independent world, they mentioned that it was necessary to strengthen further the friendly and cooperative relations with the DPRK on the basis of the idea of independence, peace and friendship and on the principle of mutual benefit and respect.

Saying that the DPRK creates world-startling miracles under the wise leadership of H.E. General Secretary Kim Jong Un today and becomes a model for the developing countries, the participants said that the friendly and cooperative relations between Uganda and the DPRK would be further developed in the future under the wise leadership of H.E. Kim Jong Un and H.E. Museveni.